Thursday, July 12, 2007

OWL with Rules

Yesterday Henry asked me about using EulerSharp (by Jos De Roo) with Mulgara. I've already done the rules engine, and I'm very happy with it, so I told him I won't be replacing it. Admittedly, there's room for optimization - but that's just a matter of finding the time. It runs well as it is.

Of interest though is getting together the rules for making OWL happen. EulerSharp has these in abundance. It may be worthwhile writing an interpreter than can translate them to the Mulgara engine.

There are the obvious rules like:
{?P @has owl:inverseOf ?Q. ?S ?P ?O} => {?O ?Q ?S}.
But the real value would be in rules like:
{?J @has owl:intersectionOf ?L.
?L :item ?I1.
?I1 owl:onProperty ?P;
owl:someValuesFrom ?S.
?S owl:onProperty ?Q;
owl:minCardinality ?N.
?N math:equalTo 2.
?L :item ?I2.
?I2 owl:onProperty ?P;
owl:allValuesFrom ?A.
?A @has owl:unionOf ?K.
?K :item ?C,
?V owl:onProperty ?Q;
owl:maxCardinality ?M.
?M math:equalTo 1.
?L :item ?I3.
?I3 owl:onProperty ?P;
owl:allValuesFrom ?D.
?C owl:disjointWith ?D}
=> {?J owl:equivalentClass owl:Nothing}.
Which is a convoluted way of testing if a class is an intersection between restrictions with max cardinality of one, and minimum cardinality of 2, where the other possibilities of class membership (via unions, etc) are all eliminated.

Some of the type inferencing on intersections and unions may eliminate the need for complex rules like this (I've been meaning to check out just how far this takes you), but it's cool (scary?) to see it all done in one step like this.

I really need time to write more reasoning code in Mulgara. :-(

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